Fort McClellan - Anniston AL Real Haunted Place

- Anniston, AL
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- (7 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
- Open To Public
- NOT Open to Public
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Some of the fort's lands have since been repurposed, while others are still pending environmental cleanup. Visitors to the area have reported some strange sights, including shadowy figures, apparitions, and odd lights. Others have felt cold spots and seen doors closing by themselves; footsteps have also been heard in the old Patton Building.
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your Experiences2022 Experience
We bought a house on Ft. McClellan about 4 yrs ago, we love living here. My husband is prior military and we were stationed here before. Our house was previously officers housing. We have a dog that we routinely take for a walk every evening rain or shine, part of it walk is the wooded area that is behind what used to be the Community center when the post was open. The road is closed for vehicle's but it's easy to walk thru, for the first 3 years everything was perfect, we loved it and the dog loved it. This year all of a sudden we noticed that no one was walking this path anymore, then we walked and we heard a lady humming, it was very distinct but we couldn't make out exactly where it was coming from. It was East then north then west just seemed too float everywhere. We didn't think much about it until my husband walked again the next day and our dog would not walk past a certain spot on that road, he looked into the woods and seen a shadow of a man kinda leaning against a tree, both of them ran back as fast as they could. I went with them last week and we kept our dog on the leash she didn't want to go past the spot but she did end up going, we both looked in the woods and saw nothing. On the way back sometime changed, it got real quiet and my dog walked really close to me I looked in that certain spot in the woods and seen something woman like standing closer to the street. I screamed and ran. If you don't believe me I challenge you to walk that path.
Posted 10/2/222 out of 4 found this review helpful
During WAC Basic Training
On 18 September, 1972 while attending Basic. I woke up to go to the Latrine at midnight. It was thunder and lightening storm that night. I heard a strange sound like someone was singing. I could not figure out where it was coming from. Then I saw a white figure standing at the end of the hall. I think it was looking at me, then it disappeared into the darkness. I decided to get the hell back in bed! I remember this because I kept a journal. I was in Alfa Company, 2nd Bn. What ever building that was back then.
Posted 3/23/212 out of 2 found this review helpful
Something Happened???????
2 years ago was there for training provided by the feds. Provided me a room(dont remember the form # but the one closest to the bar on campus). Tge first night when I climbed into bed, it felt like something aggressively crawled up my bed and grabbed me by the neck. I woke up freaking out but figured I was just tripping. Played back down and as I dozed it happened again. I slept at the edge of the bed with lights and tv on but didnt have a third one that night. Next night, paranoid and still doubting my own mind, I lauded down and when I fell asleep IT HAPPENED AGAIN!! I remembered some random shit I have seen on ghost shows that say if you scream at something to leave you alone, it dose sometimes, didnt happen again for the 2 remaining nights. I'm not crazy, I'm in law enforcement and I still dont fully believe it.
Posted 3/18/203 out of 3 found this review helpful
Charlotte’s Hospital
Ok 1. Yes, it IS open to the public . No, you cant go where you want . Fort McClellan has a Housing Unit, A Golf Course, and a Hospital. Inside this Hospital a ghost named Charlotte lives . Charlotte was a patient who died whilst being transferred to RMC . She is not hostile or friendly. There is a video of “Charlotte” Appearing on YouTube . This is a real story and Charlotte is real, however do not look for Charlotte because she does not like to be hunted or filmed.
Posted 12/2/193 out of 4 found this review helpful
Haunted or Maybe Just Old
My friends and I come to Fort McClellan to take pictures. We’ve had previous experiences here. Once we heard the voice of a woman. Today while taking pics there, the door behind us squeaked open and there was not the slightest breeze out so we left because we got creeped out and moved on to another spot there. At that spot, almost as soon as we got out of the car, we heard things falling from the higher levels of the building. Creepy!
Posted 5/18/192 out of 2 found this review helpful
Definitely haunted I've been here a few times and every time I've had an experience. There's abandon buildings everywhere and some you can get into, some you can't. It looks super creepy at night the whole area gives you a eerie feeling. You will definitely either see something or hear something if you go passed that bridge that's cut off. a few months ago me and my sister went and a piece of glass just fell out of no where outside and broke.
Posted 11/19/184 out of 4 found this review helpful
During Basic Training
In September of 1991, I was undergoing basic training at Ft. McClellan, AL. Our platoon/company was outside conducting P. T., at approx 6 or 7 pm. I clearly saw a younger woman in a white, tattered dress move across a field directly in front of us. She was semi-transparent and was no more than 100 ft away. One distinct fact that I remember is that the woman was moving, but had no legs/feet. It was the kind of thing that you shake your head at and keep going. I never asked or told anyone while I was there because I was scared of what they would say (especially during basic training). I share this story often with friends and family. It was the one and only time that I have ever experienced anything like that.
Posted 10/23/167 out of 7 found this review helpful
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