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Dead Children's Playground at Maple Hill Cemetery - Huntsville AL Real Haunted Place

  • 202 Maple Hill Drive
  • Huntsville, AL
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The Dead Children's Playground is a particular haunted segment of the Maple Hill Cemetery in Huntsville, which seems to be very popular among the spirits of children buried in the graveyard. Swings have been seen moving by themselves. shouting and laughter have been heard, and some have even seen the ghosts of children playing late at night. Pictures taken in the area have also been known to turn up ghostly orbs.

Within the cemetery itself there lies an antique rocking chair sitting inside an old crypt. The chair belonged to one of the women buried in the family crypt, and it would appear that she is still using it. Visitors say that if you listen closely when near the crypt you can hear the chair rocking back and forth!
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  • Kids

    I'm a 24 year old now, but when I was a really little kid I lived close to here and experienced what I feel, to this day, the most Surreal experience of my life. I was playing on the swings and my sister was off somewhere else, I can't remember where but It was not at this playground. I suddenly noticed another kid on the swing next to me. They didn't talk or anything until they told me to look behind us and I saw a couple handfuls of other kids climbing down the wall and towards me. I couldn't even move, and as soon as the first in this group of kids reached us, they all disappeared. I kept this experience and didn't tell anyone about it because I didn't think anyone would believe me, until a few years ago I researched the place and found the legend of the murdered kids, and apparently this was never confirmed, but the area that they said the kids were hidden in was the exact spot where all these kids were climbing from. It isnt the only time I experienced something like this in a place like this, but it was the first and I'll never forget it. I know what I saw.

    Posted 9/1/23

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  • july 2023 experience

    My grown daughter and I visited the playground on Monday July 23 at approximately 2 to 2;30 pm. It was about 95 deg and absolutely still. We were drawn to the rocks behind the playground by chipmunks. We were watching the chipmunks play and scramble on the rocks. For some reason we both turned back to face the swings. The 3 sit down swings were all swinging. With the one in the middle moving the highest. Again it was completely calm, and the other set of swings were perfectly still. This is during broad daylight ! We both felt some type of " presence " there. Who knows, but something happens there.

    Posted 7/29/23

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  • playground

    i went here on my way back home. i am a thirteen year old girl and i went here with my baby brother and dad. my mom and 11 year old brother stayed in the car because they were scared. before i got out of the car i had a bag migraine, when i went on the playground my migraine just disappeared. but when i got back in the car i had a migraine again. i didn’t know anything about the park before stepping foot onto the park. we got back in the car and my dad said “there was a murderer who killed kids and put them in the caves above the playground”

    Posted 7/15/23

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  • Dead Children's Playground

    Although I have never been to this site, I am doing some groundwork on this site. I am in high school and doing a research paper over this urban legend. So far I have not found hardcore proof that this is a haunted area. A lot of people have been saying that they have gone to this site and have had a paranormal activity. I would say that although others have experienced it seems like an ordinary park with peoples imaginations playing tricks on them.

    Posted 5/2/23

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  • Our land haunted by mean spirit

    On different occassions, my husband and I have been "assaulted "by an unseen, unknown presence. Both times we were being smothered as we slept, waking up, we tried to get out from under the covers, something/someone wrestles with us,trying to keep our heads underneath. These events occurred at separate times and we were both sleeping alone when it happened. Local residents say that in the 1950s a dirt road ran threw our property, a black man living nearby liked to park on this road and drink before going home each night. One night 2 police officers found the man, drunk , sitting in his car. Nobody knows or at least, wont tell what happened next, but the black man was found, sitting in his car, he was dead from a gunshot wound to the head. The local police denied any officers in the area that night and denied that it could have been a cop who killed the black man , left him and walked away

    Posted 8/17/21

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  • Go at 2

    Don't run while it's wet and I am a grown man and I ain't never been so scared in my life something or someone say why am I here and I look back and nothing is there my girlfriend was in tears if people plays pranks there is not right

    Posted 8/4/21

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  • Play Ball

    In an evp heard a voice "say take it" right before I took a picture. Had an old tennis ball thrown from the small field down to us by the swings. I thought it was like a pinecone or fruit fall from the tree til noticed there were none of those things on the tree. Had 2 other witnesses who saw it happen as well.

    Posted 1/3/21

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  • creepy af

    I went there and when ever me and my friend was walking down the stairs we felt a something at us. Once we got a bit closer we could see two of the swings moving. That day we went it was a sunny humid day but there was no wind.

    Posted 11/8/20

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  • Not real

    if people say that they have seen pictures and stuff on this playground it being haunted then why do the let their kids on this playground cause i mean a lot people say its scary and i haven't even been their and i just think that people are just overreacting about all of this.

    Posted 10/30/20

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  • DCP

    My friends and I lived close by and would always go down there to hang out. When we would swing we would always leave the second swing on the right hand side open because it would swing with us and continue long after we were done.

    Posted 10/11/20

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  • Warning, please read

    Went there with two friends at night, immediately felt like I shouldn't be there. They felt the same, as we were leaving I saw a figure of a man, but it was a pitch black shadow. Don't ever go there past the cemetery's open hours

    Posted 9/12/20

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Doubtful

    My lady and I decided to have a go and see if this "Dead Children's Playground" was really as haunted as people say it is. Neither of us heard, felt or saw anything out of the ordinary. People say that you have to be there at about 3:00 in the morning to experience anything. The local Police advise against you going there in the middle of the night and warned that you might get a citation. Orbs are not ghosts. Period. My conclusion: It is only haunted by what you take with you.

    Posted 7/12/20

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  • Dead Children’s Playground adventure

    We took pictures of our kids swinging. Later we looked at pictures and saw several figures that looked like children watching In several pictures.

    Posted 7/7/20

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  • Creepy

    I was there the other day taking pictures and actually caught a pic with 3 shadow people who appeared to be adults, not children.

    Posted 1/5/19

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    7 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • hi


    Posted 10/17/18

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    6 out of 12 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/15/2016 (3315 days ago)

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